Men’s Shed

Ridley Road Community Men’s Shed (RRCMS)

The Ridley Road Community Men’s Shed is an important community outreach operating from our Church grounds.  The idea of a men’s shed at Bridgeman Downs started in 2008 with former Aspley with a passionate group who wanted to create a meeting place for males on the Northside that provided a good social and creative environment. Following the first RRCMS community meeting held in September 2008 the Anglican Parish of Aspley-Albany Creek made part of the church grounds available for use with a sod turning on 13 November 2009, and the official opening on 7 February 2010.

The RRCMS mission is to support adult men by providing a safe and meaningful environment for activities in woodworking, social activities and supporting the community at large. Members can socialise, make items for themselves or assist with community projects. Many men, when they retire, have great difficulty in adjusting to the retirement lifestyle and lose contact with their former workmates.

To date the RRCMS has created number of items, most for charities and community benefit as well as repairing items (chairs, tables and desks) for members of the community. RRCMS members can also bring their own items to work on. We have three Sheds:

RRCMS runs three mornings a week:

  • Monday:     9:00am – 12 noon for social activity in Shed #2

  • Tuesday:    8:00am – 12 noon, woodworking in Shed #1 and socialising in Shed #2

  • Thursday:   8:00am – 12 noon, woodworking in Shed #1 and socialising in Shed #2

Our Membership fee is $50 for a year and $3 for coffee/biscuits on each day of attendance.

If you are interested in the work of RRCMS or would like to come and see it in action, please contact the church office to connect with the co-ordinator.

Chairman : John Raine   0417 709 720
