Christian Meditation

Every Monday in the Sacred Space 10:30am - 12:30pm

One hour of quiet time, teaching and discussion. No charge

Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10

Meditation is about coming to stillness of spirit and body. Despite all the distractions of the modern world, this silence is perfectly possible for people today. But to reach this stillness we must devote time to the work of silence.

Our group has been active and committed to offer this spiritual opportunity in our parish. Both groups enjoy shared leadership which makes it possible to keep the groups running every week of the year. Our logo specific to our parish meditation group and activities envisions our purpose of encouraging our own and the parish’s deepening faith and spirituality thorough the practice of Christian meditation.

As well as meeting weekly for meditation, our group meet socially so that we, including our spouses, can get to know each other in a different context. We also attend Community gatherings and Quiet Days organised by the Queensland Community executive to promote community building and spaces in which our spirit can breathe. The days usually include
meditation, teaching, quiet times, and more. We look forward to Quiet Days at the Passionist monastery in Oxley; the grounds at the Fort offer spaces for walking, for sitting in prayer, for enjoying God’s creation.

Our meditation group is part of a global community. The World Community for Christian Meditation is ecumenical with interfaith outreach. We want to offer a contemplative view to the conversation around issues advocating for the vulnerable and environment and approaches to contemplative action.

Prayer of the Christian Meditation Community

May this group be a true spiritual home for the seeker, a friend for the lonely, a guide for the confused. May those who pray here be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to serve all who come, and to receive them as Christ Himself. In the silence of this room may all the suffering, violence, and confusion of the world encounter the Power that will console, renew and uplift the human spirit.

May this silence be a power to open the hearts of men and women to the vision of God, and so to each other, in love and peace, justice and human dignity.
May the beauty of the divine life, fill this group and the hearts of all who pray here, with joyful hope. May all who come here weighed down by the problems of humanity leave giving thanks for the wonder of human life. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Useful websites:
Australian Christian Meditation Community
World Community for Christian Meditation